Just when you begin to doubt Mother Nature, she comes through in fine style.
There we were, worrying about the baby doves being homeless, out on the street, without sustenance, friends or protection. We scrambled yesterday to build them a new nest, buy them some food, and document their plight without terrifying them (they don’t like you to get in their faces with a camera).
And at least one of us was grumbling, “Where are their parents?”
Well, it seems the parents are still in the picture, and seem to be getting along fine with their offspring, in spite of the fact that the younger generation seems to have reached adolescence.
We began this saga praising the parents (or at least one of them) for diligence in sitting atop the eggs, refusing to move for anything, despite people coming and going through our front door, right below the nest.
Turns out we were right the first time. The parents — both of them — are still on the job.
So we can breathe a little easier.
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