We’ve really gotta hand it to the ad wizards who managed to sell Camel on THIS campaign. Mind you, it’s the sales side that’s impressing us here, not the creative.
You only come away from this item wondering two things:
- Does “Snus” rhyme with “news” or with “fuss?” And whichever it is, what the heck does it mean? Where’d it come from (we get the “snu-” part, just not the “s”)? Does it describe or suggest something camels do?
- Come on, can’t you GUARANTEE that we’ll suffer gum disease and tooth loss? That “can” seems a bit weak.
I mean, really — if the warning’s gotta be that bold and so much more readable than anything else on the document, why go to the trouble of crafting this item? Are you TRYING to lose market share? Or is it that you assume that anyone who uses your product is so amazingly stupid that they can be relied upon to ignore the warning, and be dazzled by the garish colors? Or, is it that you’re assuming that they know ALL such products will give them horrible diseases, but you think this will still inspire them to choose your product over the others? And if so, what precisely in this particular communication do you think is going to reel them in?
The coupon, perhaps. Yeah, that’s the ticket. It’s gotta be the coupon…
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