One of our friends does something mysterious for the government and travels around the world on a regular basis.
One day, he was on his way to work in Abu Dhabi, which we understand is in a whole other country and everything, and saw — the ADCO building!
No, not our ADCO building, which has a decidedly homier feel (see the featured image of our entrance, above). This was instead the home of the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Petroleum Operations Ltd. Which would technically be “ADCOPO,” but let’s not be pedantic.
Frequently, LinkedIn tries to match us up with employees of that other ADCO, assuming that we must have all sorts of things in common — which is optimistic of LinkedIn.
We don’t know exactly what they do or how they do it, but at least now, thanks to our mysterious friend (How mysterious is he? Well, he signs his comments on Brad’s blog with the pseudonym, “Silence,” which at the very least lets you know that he’s tight-lipped.), we can picture where they work.
And now, for the very first time, so can you.
Anyway, remember: If you need help with marketing, communications, advertising, or anything that has to do with getting your message out to the people who need to see it, come to the homey little house at 1220 Pickens St. in Columbia, not the imposing tower in Abu Dhabi.
Come to think of it, it looks like the other ADCO could use our help with their website. What do you think?
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