(The panorama app in this shot of the gathering by Chip Oglesby sort of hiccuped when it got to Beth Baldauf. She's not really two-faced. Also pictured are Lauren Fitzhugh, Brad Warthen, Ryal Curtis, Nettie Britts and Jennifer Bailey Bergen, among others.)
Actually, you know what? It’s not really like a roundup at all. It’s more like a Kaffeeklatsch. If you order coffee, that is.
Our own Brad Warthen (@BradWarthen), one of the Free Times‘ “Twitterati,” attended his first Google+/Twitter Lunch Tweetup on Thursday. He went in not knowing what to expect, and was pleased to find several of virtual friends, such as Chip Oglesby (@cophotog), Lauren Fitzhugh (@laurenfitzhugh), Beth Baldauf (@BethBaldauf), Nettie Britts (@nettie_b), Mandi Engram (@mandiengram) and Clare Morris (@claremorris2).
He was informed upon arrival that he was in the presence of “the real Twitterati.”
Perhaps. In any case, it was a good group with whom to exchange social media wisdom. And news, and gossip, and all the other things that people share when they meet the old-fashioned way, in the flesh.
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