ADCO’s Lora Prill named to board of East Point Academy

Jun 10

For a moment there, Hillary was almost as cool as Bernie

As embarrassing as his admission of cluelessness here is, we thought we'd share this from our own Brad Warthen's political blog: I saw the reporting on this Tweet from Hillary Clinton, in reply to Donald Trump: Delete your account. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 9, 2016 ... and I... read more →
Jun 01
May 27
May 25
May 19
May 18
May 17
May 17

Some Hobcaw paintings restored, but mystery remains

More than a million dollars worth of paintings that went missing from our client Hobcaw Barony 13 years ago have turned up and been restored -- but the mystery of their disappearance remains. Mount Pleasant's ABCNews4 reports: A 1932 oil painting of [Belle Baruch] and her horse Souriant by artist... read more →
May 14
May 10

America, America, I chug a can of thee…

Have you seen this? American currency has long held claim to being the only thing found in bars that boasts the phrase “E Pluribus Unum.”  This summer, Budweiser wants to change that by rebranding itself as “America” and peppering its packaging with that very phrase, alongside some others like “Liberty... read more →